Introducing Multi-Layered Tablet Technology®...

Your microbiotic fingerprint
Your gut microbiome is like a bacterial fingerprint—it’s unique to you, and is therefore uniquely affected by your specific diet and lifestyle choices. Your microbiome also thrives on diversity, as a diverse range of bacteria helps it fight off and resist pathogens.
In other words, your gut microbiome is the blueprint for your well-being. From your head to your toes, your gut is in charge, and by supporting its health, you can promote the healthy functioning of the other physiological systems that contribute to your overall wellness.
Our Solutions

Gut Care
Improves Bowel Function & Eases Digestive Discomfort
Supports Cultivation of Healthy Microflora
Feeds your gut with clinically proven Gut-Protecting live bacteria

Immune Boost
Protects Against Respiratory Infections
Reduces Inflammation
Feeds your gut with clinically proven Immune-Boosting live bacteria

Skin Health
Reduces Skin Irritation and Inflammation
Reduces the Appearance of Fine Lines & Enhances Collagen Production
Feeds your gut with clinically proven Skin-Nourishing live bacteria

What people are saying about the gut co.

Keemia K
I've been taking probiotics for 5 years now, and The Gut Co is the only one that I can really feel works properly. I've noticed it's helped with my IBS, constipation, eczema, and even my mood, and I actually look forward to starting my day taking these every morning.

Holly W
I've been using Skin Health for 30 days now. Its been helping me with my hormonal breakouts and my eczema has really calmed down after nothing worked, including steroid creams! I will be recommending Skin Health to all my beauty clients to go alongside their facials as well as contenting myself!

Niloo C
I've been using Immune Boost and Skin Health together for 2 months now and wow, honestly my skin has never felt so much better and more hydrated and im less bloated and lathargic... I feel like I have so much more energy. I never really realised how closely linked my gut was to everything.

Harriet E
I have a Masters in Exercise and Nutrition & Public Health and Im also a registered Associate Nutritionist so I'm very fussy with which Probiotics I buy and use! If you suffer from bloating, indigestion or your mood is not always as positive then I'd highly recommend trying these probiotics!