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The Benefits Of Beetroot Powder

Beetroot. A sweet purple vegetable we often enjoy in salads.  It's considered a superfood because it's jam-packed (pun intended) with many beneficial nutrients, including folate, manganese, magnesium, iron, vitamin C and vitamin B6. There are so many ways you can incorporate fresh beetroot into your diet, from sauces and smoothies...

10 Ways Probiotics Can Improve Health

Don’t know about the benefits of probiotics? Probiotics are live bacteria and yeasts that have various health benefits. There’s a lot of buzz surrounding probiotics at the moment, particularly as interest in the gut’s connection to our overall well-being is growing. Why are probiotics important to human health? All the...

All About Prebiotics

Our gut relies on both prebiotics and probiotics to stay healthy. While most people are familiar with probiotics, prebiotics also play a crucial role in supporting the good bacteria in our gut. In this article, we’ll look at what prebiotics are and how they support our gut bacteria! What Are...

What is Grape Seed Extract? 

 Grape seed extract is commonly known as a dietary supplement derived from grape seeds and is renowned for its numerous health benefits. It has been shown to help relieve stress, reduce inflammation and support tissue health, especially when dealing with chronic conditions. Grape seed extract is made by removing, drying,...

What is Inulin?

  Inulin is a powerful prebiotic fibre that offers significant benefits for gut health. By supporting the growth of beneficial bacteria, inulin aids in producing butyrate and short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs), which help to maintain a healthy intestinal lining. In this article, we’ll explore inulin’s role as a prebiotic fibre,...

What Are Antioxidants?

  Antioxidants are powerful compounds found in certain foods that provide immense benefits to the body. They are one of the most effective substances for promoting optimal health, with antioxidant-rich foods offering extra benefits to our gut microbiome. In this article, we’ll explore the benefits of antioxidants, identify which foods...

How often should you poop? 

  At some point, we've all faced those moments where we're too busy to sit down for a proper bathroom break or we've struggled with irregular bowel movements. When life gets hectic, it's easy to neglect the simple routines that keep our bodies running smoothly, including regular trips to the...

10 Ways to Improve Gut Health

  Feeling as bloated as a balloon that just won’t pop? Experiencing wind that wasn’t on the forecast? Living with a funny tummy that just isn’t funny anymore? We all love a good old tut about our gut, but sometimes the problem just doesn’t go away, and it can stop...

Lactobacillus Rhamnosus: Benefits & Side Effects

  Have you ever been curious about specific strains of probiotics and the benefits they offer? One of the most well-known and extensively researched probiotic strains is Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG. In fact, it's the most studied probiotic strain worldwide and is commonly found in both supplement forms and probiotic-rich food1...

What is Oxidative Stress?

Stress is a significant part of our daily lives, and while we can't always avoid it, long-term stress can cause oxidation in the body. This oxidative stress can have some harmful effects on our physical and mental health, as well as on our gut bacteria. In this article, we'll explore...