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20 Prebiotic Foods for Gut Health
Prebiotics are fiber-rich food sources that cannot be broken down by human enzymes in the digestive tract.1 Prebiotics are instead used as food for our microbiome and are fermented by the bacteria in our large intestine to help strengthen the digestive system. Prebiotics help boost colon health and help our...
The 15 Best Probiotic Vegan Foods
Our gut is a complex and interesting ecosystem, in which trillions of bacteria, fungi, and other microorganisms reside. Probiotics are beneficial microorganisms that help increase populations of good bacteria in the gut and have been shown to help with: Improving digestive function1 Managing type 2 diabetes and glucose tolerance2 Weight...
8 Proven Health Benefits of Probiotics
Our gut is a complex ecosystem filled with various strains of bacteria, fungi, viruses, and other living organisms. There are, in fact, more ‘non-human’ cells than total cells in our body, meaning that we are technically more bacterium than human!1 The gut microbiome has been shown to play a vital...
8 Proven Health Benefits of Prebiotics
Gut health is a trending topic right now, with increasing evidence pointing to gut health as the (not so now) secret to overall health. Studies have unearthed links between our gut microbiome and: Weight management Inflammatory diseases Cancer prevention Stress and mental health Immune function With mounting research published on...