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Gut Health & Creativity: Is There a Link?

Have you ever noticed that when you consume healthy, nutritious meals, stay well-hydrated, and ensure sufficient sleep, your brainpower seems to thrive? A productive workday filled with innovative ideas and increased focus may be attributed to a strong connection between our creative ideas and the health of our gut. This...

The Link Between Gut Health and Athletic Performance

Ever heard the saying 'no guts, no glory'? Athletes place incredible demands on their bodies and must be in top-notch condition to perform, feel, and recover at their best. But as an athlete, is it possible to maximise your performance using your gut microbiome? In this article, we will explore...

Bone Broth: Fad or Fact?

The bone broth trend has really spiked over the past couple of years, though this food has been around for more than 2,500 years. Bone broth is actually a traditional Chinese medicine that was used to support digestive health. More than 2,500 years ago, in Chinese medicine, bone broth was...

5 Ways Your Social Life Influences Your Gut

While we recognise the significance of exercise and healthy eating for maintaining a healthy gut, the impact on our social life and connections cannot be overlooked. In this article, we delve into the crucial role of socialisation and how our social life can influence our gut bacteria and overall health....

Best Side to Sleep on for Digestion

No matter your preferred sleeping position, it's crucial to recognise that the way we sleep can impact our digestion. During sleep, our brain and body continue to digest the food and beverages consumed throughout the day, also facilitating the restoration of bodily functions overnight. Both the foods consumed before bedtime...

Best Probiotics for Athletes

As an athlete, you are continually seeking ways to gain an edge in performance, recovery, training, sleep, and nutrition. Athlete health can be influenced by factors such as intense training, insufficient rest, frequent travel, and compromised nutritional intake. Surprisingly, boosting your gut bacteria may be as crucial as breaking a...

Top 10 Easy to Digest Foods

The process of digestion is a complex one that consumes a significant amount of energy. Consuming foods that support our gut health and are easy to digest is one of the most effective ways to optimise our well-being and make the most of our day. When we consume foods that...

How Long do Vitamins Take to Work?

Taking vitamins is an excellent way to boost your nutrient levels and support optimal health. But how long do they take to work? In short, vitamins are absorbed by the body within minutes to hours, depending on whether you take liquid supplements, IV infusions, or tablet forms. If you are...

Are Pumpkins Good for Gut Health?

As the autumn leaves fall and Halloween approaches, supermarkets adorn their shelves with a bountiful display of pumpkins, which take the spotlight as a symbol of abundance and prosperity. But did you know that these seasonal staples aren't just for carving spooky faces? Pumpkins, often interchangeable with butternut squash, are...

Probiotics for Anxiety: Benefits & How to Take

There are numerous holistic and medical strategies for addressing mental health disorders such as depression and anxiety. However, research has indicated that our gut bacteria may play a role in regulating our emotional health through the 'gut-brain axis'.4 In this article, we'll delve into the gut-brain axis and explore how...