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Supplements for Brain Fog

Ever get that foggy feeling, like there are clouds in your head? Often accompanied by poor concentration, feeling confused, thinking more slowly than usual, and fuzzy thoughts. This is a common experience known as brain fog. Some people also describe it as mental fatigue, or a lack of mental clarity,...

Is the Mediterranean Diet Good for Your Gut?

We know that our dietary habits have a strong effect on our gut microbiome, general health and metabolism.1 The Mediterranean diet is commonly thought of as one of the world's healthiest diets, high in fibre and prebiotics with excellent anti-inflammatory properties. Consuming a healthy, whole foods-based, minimally processed diet can...

How Can I Keep My Gut Healthy During Pregnancy?

Our gut plays a critical role in our health throughout our lives. Optimal gut health is key for all seasons of life and may be especially important during pregnancy and postpartum. Studies show that the gut microbiome changes throughout pregnancy, as a normal and healthy adaptive response to growing a...

Can Probiotics Improve Your Skin? Exploring the Gut-Skin Axis

There is a strong connection between the gut, the brain, and the skin. Researchers call this the ‘gut–brain–skin axis’. Unfortunately, most clinicians and the general public are not aware of this relationship. If you have a skin issue, you are normally given topical steroid creams by a dermatologist or GP....

5 Ways Environmental Toxins May Be Harming Your Gut Health

Our gut microbiome is a complex and diverse ecosystem that can be sensitive to multiple factors. Studies suggest that our environment may have more of an impact on the microbiome than our genetics. Living conditions, our upbringing, how active we are, the foods we eat, and the toxins we are...

Is Intermittent Fasting Good for Gut Health?

Intermittent fasting has become a worldwide lifestyle and health trend in recent years. "Intermittent fasting" refers to someone going for an extended period of time without eating, followed by a period of eating normally. It tends to focus on when you eat, rather than what you eat. It is currently...

Low FODMAP Diet: What it is & Benefits for IBS

The low FODMAP diet is an internationally recognised dietary approach for symptom management of certain digestive conditions. When people say “FODMAP diet,” they usually mean a diet low in FODMAP — certain sugars that may lead to intestinal inflammation. This diet is designed to help people with irritable bowel syndrome...

Fermented Foods & Gut Health: Top 10 Fermented Foods

“Fermented food” is a big buzzword in the gut health space at the moment, and for good reason! These days when you think of fermented foods, you may visualise the likes of kombucha, kimchi, and kefir, which we will get to soon. But did you know that the fermentation process...

4 Best Gut Health Supplements: Which Ones Are Worth Taking?

Gut health has become increasingly trendy in recent years. As new research emerges year after year showing how significant our gut health actually is for overall health, the awareness and interest have grown rapidly and continue to do so. As a result of this, there has been a surge in products, supplements,...

Gut Dysbiosis: What it is and How to Fix it

Our gut contains more than 500 to 1000 good and bad bacteria types. In a healthy gut, these good and bad bacteria are balanced and work in harmony to achieve homeostasis (a state of balance among all the body systems needed for the body to survive and function correctly). When...