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Fermented Foods & Gut Health: Top 10 Fermented Foods

“Fermented food” is a big buzzword in the gut health space at the moment, and for good reason! These days when you think of fermented foods, you may visualise the likes of kombucha, kimchi, and kefir, which we will get to soon. But did you know that the fermentation process...

4 Best Gut Health Supplements: Which Ones Are Worth Taking?

Gut health has become increasingly trendy in recent years. As new research emerges year after year showing how significant our gut health actually is for overall health, the awareness and interest have grown rapidly and continue to do so. As a result of this, there has been a surge in products, supplements,...

Gut Dysbiosis: What it is and How to Fix it

Our gut contains more than 500 to 1000 good and bad bacteria types. In a healthy gut, these good and bad bacteria are balanced and work in harmony to achieve homeostasis (a state of balance among all the body systems needed for the body to survive and function correctly). When...

Antibiotics & Gut Health: Restoring Your Gut After Taking Antibiotics

Antibiotics are the most commonly prescribed medications in the world.6 They prevent millions of deaths yearly, remain the primary treatment for certain conditions and bacterial infections, and can reduce serious disease complications.4 Antibiotics come in many different forms, with some targeting a wide range of bacteria (broad-spectrum) and others targeting...

Gut Feeling: What is it & Can We Trust it?

Having a “gut feeling” is something I’m sure we’ve all experienced at one point or another in our lives. Maybe it was when you got bad vibes from someone or had that sudden unexplainable urge to ditch plans, or maybe it was when you felt butterflies in your stomach en...

How do I know if my gut is healing?

If you’ve been looking after your gut health, you might be wondering what the signs are to suggest progress or even a healed gut. This article discusses signs of a healthy gut and tips for maintaining good gut health once you’ve achieved it!  Signs of a Healthy Gut The best...

Belching, gas and bloating: Why it happens & how to reduce it

Excess gas can be embarrassing and uncomfortable, especially in a situation where you really can’t afford to let one go. In a meeting or on a date, sometimes you really don’t want to be burping or farting all over the shop. We’ve all suffered from too much gas at some...

Probiotics for Women: Top 5 Benefits

In this article, we will explore the top 5 benefits of probiotics for individuals with vaginas, regardless of gender identity. We understand that some people with vaginas may not identify as a woman, but for the sake of the medical research cited, we use the term “women” throughout the article....

Runner's Diarrhoea: Causes & Prevention Tips

Just a few weeks ago, whilst looking out of my window with a hot cup of tea, I saw thousands of people running past, taking part in the Brighton marathon. Along with thoughts such as "I wonder how long they've been running for" and "my knee's would never let me...

What is GERD?

Heartburn is pretty common; most people will experience it now and then. If you are experiencing it repeatedly, it may be something a tad more serious - gastro-oesophageal reflux disease. Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GERD or GORD depending on how your country spells oesophagus!) can be extremely unpleasant and hard to...