Welcome to The Gut Hub


Thyroid and Gut Health Connection

What is the Thyroid? The thyroid is a gland in the neck, just in front of the windpipe. It is shaped like a small butterfly and produces the hormones that affect things like our heart rate and body temperature.1 The two hormones that the thyroid produces are called thyroxine (T4)...

Can Probiotics Help With Your Immunity?

The answer is yes! But how? Let’s start with the basics... What Are Probiotics? Probiotics are live microorganisms found in certain foods that offer a variety of health benefits to our gut - our gastrointestinal tract. Our gastrointestinal tract is home to trillions of microbes collectively called the gut microbiome....

The Gut Co’s Multilayer Tablet Technology

The gut microbiota is a crucial factor in human health. It is often said that when we take care of our gut bacteria, our gut bacteria take care of us. This is why eating healthily is important, including plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole foods, and probiotic-rich foods to keep our...

The Gut-Skin Axis

Skin conditions are a common complaint amongst the population, with 85% of people experiencing some form of acne between the ages of 12-24 1 and 1 in 10 people developing atopic dermatitis during their lifetime.2 With skin complaints on the rise and without a clear-cut solution, are we looking to...

Trapped Wind

For the most part, gas production in the gut is a perfectly normal occurrence and has been reported as the most common digestive complaint.1 Our bodies produce gas when breaking down and digesting food; a little post-meal bloating can be expected. When trapped wind and bloating become particularly prevalent or...

Why Am I Always Bloated?

Bloating is a common digestive complaint, which most of us have the misfortune of experiencing at some point. It can leave us feeling uncomfortable, frustrated, and sometimes confused about what has caused it. Although a little bloating can be perfectly normal, if it becomes persistent or painful, we look to...

What Is the Gut-Brain Axis?

The gut-brain axis is typically described as the ongoing and rather complex two-way communication that occurs between our central nervous system (CNS) and our digestive tract (GI tract). The NHS states that around 4 in 10 people experience at least one digestive symptom at any one time, and chronic gastrointestinal...

18 Probiotic Foods for Gut Health

Gut health is a trending topic these days with the gut microbiome taking the spotlight. The human body contains trillions of species of bacteria, fungi, and other viruses; outnumbering human cells by an impressive 10 to 1.1 The gut microbiome is the ecology, or ‘environment’, within the gut, and what...

High Fibre Foods You Should Eat

We have all been told that a fibre-rich diet with a variety of whole foods is good for us. But do you know precisely why a high fibre diet is great for health and just how you can increase your daily intake to reap the benefits? The British Nutrition Foundation...

What Are Prebiotics?

Prebiotics have increased in popularity over recent years for their positive effects on the gut microbiome. Prebiotics can be described as non-digestible food ingredients that cannot be broken down by human enzymes in the GI tract. Prebiotics are then fermented and essentially ‘fed on’ by bacteria in the intestines to...