International Day of Education

The 24th of January marks the 5th year of the International Day of Education. In 2018, United Nations General Assembly proclaimed this day in celebration of the role of education in peace and development.1

Education is critical to building sustainable and resilient societies whilst achieving all other sustainable development goals.1 We love this message, and wanted to weigh in with what education means to us. 

Education is so important to us as a company, and here we are sharing some words from some of the incredible members of our team. Here's what Sas, Abi, Ellie and Louie have to say about education! 

Our Founder, Sas:

Gut health; it’s not a buzzword. It’s a fundamental aspect of overall well-being. As the founder of The Gut Co, I understand the critical role of gut health in maintaining a healthy and balanced body.

The truth is, most people don’t even realise the importance of taking care of their gut - much like I didn’t before being diagnosed with a chronic condition. I have Crohn’s disease.

Before being diagnosed in my late 20’s, I didn’t know much about gut health. There wasn’t a lot of information readily available - the factual sources were there, but they were so hard to understand for regular people like me.

That’s why I’m passionate about educating and empowering our community to take control of their gut health. By providing them with the knowledge and tools they need, in ordinary, understandable language, we can help prevent health issues before they start and promote overall wellness.

We are always here to answer any gut-related questions; through social media, emails and our vast range of articles, education is at the heart of what we do.

A healthy gut leads to better digestion, nutrient absorption, immune function and balance of bacteria. For me, that is the foundation of a fulfilling life. Gut health isn’t just about preventing illness; it’s about promoting vitality and resilience.

Through understanding and taking care of our gut health, we can build the foundation for a robust, resilient and meaningful life. Don’t underestimate the power of your gut or education.

Our Nutrition Expert, Abi:

“Experts who educate on the importance of health, nutrition, and well-being are essentially providing people with the knowledge, skills, and understanding to make wise nutritional and lifestyle choices.

I have always preached the importance of avoiding “one-size-fits-all” plans, whether a workout or nutrition plan, as they never consider the individual. Instead, teaching people the basic principles of living a healthier lifestyle would enable and empower them to make the right choices for themselves.

This is a healthier, more sustainable approach to making changes to your health, including improving gut health. As the famous quote goes: “If you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day. If you teach a man to fish, you feed him for a lifetime.”

Our Content Writer/Customer Experience/Administrator, Ellie

When I joined The Gut Co team, I was thrilled to learn so much about gut health and be able to pass that knowledge on to others. It is a fascinating area of health and well-being that is so fundamental to our overall health; spreading that knowledge is a privilege.

So many health issues linked to the gut can have a relatively easy fix; being aware of how to help yourself can be life-changing. Gut health knowledge should be accessible to everyone, and we are committed to ensuring everybody is armed with the knowledge they need to feel well.

By learning about my gut health, I could control my symptoms of IBS, clear up hormonal acne and reduce atopic dermatitis, which was all linked to my poor gut health.

Feeling healthier improved my energy levels, concentration, and anxiety and allowed me to feel far more fulfilled. Helping others is a pleasure, and all of us at The Gut Co understand the importance of educating to provide that help.

I am here across social media platforms and emails to answer any questions you may have, so don’t hesitate to reach out if there is anything you want to know about the gut!

Our Graphic Designer, Louie

I have always found that images and videos are great tools for learning new ideas and concepts. As the graphic designer for The Gut Co, I can implement art into the educational resources we share daily.

As gut health consciousness grows in popularity across social media platforms, more people are becoming aware of how gut health can impact them. The more accessible that information is, the wider of an audience we can educate.

Education shouldn’t end when you finish school, and education around health should be within reach for anybody who needs it. That is why I am proud to be part of a company that puts education at the front of its priorities and aims to make information obtainable to all.


As education is so important to us, we wanted to check in about all the information available across social media that can be viewed as educational. Social media can be a fantastic tool for learning, but be careful of false information.

It’s crucial to fact-check the stuff you learn across social media; even well-intentioned posts can contain incorrect or unstudied information that can leave you ill-informed.

Reference check the things you read - google really is your friend when it comes to information! Always check the reliability of the sources you are using. It’s usually quite clear when claims are backed up; there will usually be a list of references from reliable sources somewhere in the text.

The Gut Hub is our primary platform for sharing information, and if you’ve stumbled across this article, you’re already in the right place! Check out our main page for hundreds of articles that just could teach you something new.

Our social media platforms also share loads of information about gut health - follow us on Instagram to see our daily educational posts!

For the International Day of Education, why not share something on your social media to teach others something new? We challenge you to find your favourite new fact from one of our articles and share it on social media. Tag us, and we’ll share what you say! Let’s educate together.

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References → 1

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